Abstract Expressionism
What is Abstract Expressionism?
Abstract Expressionism is an abstract art movement and style where artists show feelings/emotions only using colors, lines, shapes, and textures. The idea is to show the viewer how the artist was feeling without using anything realistic or representational.
Your task:
Create two group paintings in the abstract expressionist style. One should be happy feelings, joyful, fun, playful, free, excited. The second should be filled with negative emotions, anger, sadness, frustration, depression, etc.
*notes: be in control of your paint the whole time, don't try to make extra mess
You may not use paintbrushes. Use any other materials at your table.
1. Think about what colors represent each positive and negative emotions
2. Think about what lines and shapes represent each positive and negative emotions
3. Create your ideas on the separate papers.
You may not use paintbrushes. Use any other materials at your table.
1. Think about what colors represent each positive and negative emotions
2. Think about what lines and shapes represent each positive and negative emotions
3. Create your ideas on the separate papers.