Artists Observe: Realism Unit
Objects and the Indoors
Activity #1: Outlines
One of the basic practices of drawing realistically is training our eye and hand to work together. Just like in a sport when you practice catching or throwing a ball over and over again until your muscles learn to do it correctly, we can do the same in art. An important thing to train on is seeing the outlines of shapes. Follow these activities to help your muscles, brain, and eye to practice working together to create realistic shapes of objects.
Step #1: Watch this video
Step #2: Try for yourself
Take off one of your shoes and place it on the table in front of you (use the scrap paper so you don't get the table dirty). On a page in your sketchbook try drawing the outline - or the contour - of the objects. Remember to use the tips from the video. Use PEN for this activity.
Step #3: If you have extra time . . .
Move your shoe so you see it from a different angle. Try drawing the contour (outline) of your shoe again this time do not lift your pen from the paper at all. No cheating!